School of Geography
PhD Associate Professor
Field:Urban environments and public health (NCDs); Social dimentions of urban green spaces; Multidiscriplinary research into urban challenges; Environmental/nature education
BSc Anhui Normal; MSc Zhongshan; PhD HK
1. 1999.7 to 2004.8, Environmental Protection Bureau of Yuexiu District (Guangzhou), Environmental Monitoring Station
2. 2009.12 to now, South China Normal University, School of Geographical Sciences
- Social surveys and statistical analysis (Undergraduate level)
- Academic literature reading (Undergraduate level)
- Mathematical methods in Geographical research (Undergraduate level)
- Geographical research methodology (Postgraduate level)
- Thesis writing (Postgraduate level)
Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education awarded by Ministry of Education of China (No. 20104407120005), PI,“Study on distributional equity of urban green spaces in China: A case study in Guangzhou”, 01/2011-12/2013.
Featured peer-reviewed journal articles:
Shan, X.-Z., 2015. Common diseases in China overlooked. Science 347(6222), 620-621.
Shan, X.-Z.* et al., 2019. From end treatment to source prevention: Socio-ecological approaches to promote research on the environment and non-communicable chronic diseases with special reference to China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16, 1900.
Shan, X.-Z., 2020. Association between the time patterns of urban green space visitations and visitor characteristics in a high-density, subtropical city. Cities 97,
Shan, X.-Z., 2014. Socio-demographic variation in motives for visiting urban green spaces in a large Chinese city. Habitat International 41, 114-120.
Shan, X.-Z., 2014. The socio-demographic and spatial dynamics of green space use in Guangzhou, China. Applied Geography 51, 26-34.
Shan, X.-Z. et al., 2014. Citizen assessment as policy tool of urban public services: Empirical evidence from an assessment of urban green spaces in China. Sustainability 6(11), 7833-7849.
Jim, C.Y., Shan, X.-Z., 2013. Socioeconomic effect on perception of urban green spaces in Guangzhou, China. Cities 31, 123-131.
Shan, X.-Z., 2012. Attitude and willingness toward participation in decision-making of urban green spaces in China. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 11(2), 211-217.
Reviewer of international peer-reviewed journals:
1. Landscape and Urban Planning
2. Cities
3 .Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
4. Applied Geography
5. J. Environmental Planning and Development
6. Sustainability