- Sheng Hu, Hanfa Xing, Wei Luo, Liang Wu, et al. Uncovering the association between traffic crashes and street-level built-environment features using street view images[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2023, 37(11): 2367-2391. (中科院一区,GIS顶刊)
- Sheng Hu, Zhanjun He, Liang Wu, et al. A framework for extracting urban functional regions based on multiprototype word embeddings using points-of-interest data[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2020, 80: 101442.(中科院一区)
- Sheng Hu, Song Gao, Wei Luo, Liang Wu, et al. Revealing intra-urban hierarchical spatial structure through representation learning by combining road network abstraction model and taxi trajectory data[J]. Annals of GIS, 2023: 1-18(CPGIS会刊)
- Sheng Hu, Song Gao, Liang Wu, et al. Urban function classification at road segment level using taxi trajectory data: A graph convolutional neural network approach[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2021, 87: 101619. (ESI高被引论文,中科院一区)
- Sheng Hu, Yongyang Xu, Liang Wu, et al. A framework to detect and understand thematic places of a city using geospatial data[J]. Cities, 2021, 109: 103012. (中科院一区)
- 胡胜;李天琪;徐永洋;吴亮,一种层次化城市空间结构识别方法及系统,专利号:202310642153.5
- 2024,地理信息科技进步奖-二等奖,智能地图制图关键技术研究与应用(2024-02-42),排名7/12
- 2024,地理信息科技进步奖-二等奖,高度城市化地区建设项目空间智慧化审查与业务协同关键技术及应用(2024-02-22),排名10/12
- 2024,第十六届全国高校GIS技能大赛开发赛道(高级开发),面向城市更新的粤港澳大湾区城中村体检平台,一等奖