英文期刊论文 (含已录用)
- Choy, D., Deng, F.*, Chai, C. S., Koh, J. H. L., & Tsai, P.-S. (2015). Singapore primary and secondary students’ motivated approaches for learning: A validation study. Learning and Individual Differences. 45, 282-290. [SSCI Journal] (通讯作者)
- Chai, C. S., Deng, F.*, Tsai, P.-S., Koh, J. H. L., & Tsai, C. C. (2015). Assessing multidimensional students' perceptions of twenty-first-century learning practices. Asia Pacific Education Review, 16(3), 389-398. [SSCI Journal] (通讯作者)
- Deng, F., Tay, E. G., Toh, T. L., Leong, Y. H., Quek, K. S., Toh, P. C., . . . Ho, F. H. (2015). Enhancing student beliefs about mathematical problem solving: Effects of a problem-solving based intervention. Journal of the Korea Society of Mathematical Education Series D: Research in Mathematical Education, 19(1), 19-41.
- Deng, F., Chai, C. S., Tsai, C. C., & Lin, T.-J. (2014). Assessing South China (Guangzhou) high school students' views on nature of science: A validation study. Science & Education, 23(4), 843-863. [SCI expanded; SSCI Journal]
- Deng, F., Chai, C. S., Tsai, C. C., & Lee, M. H. (2014). The relationships among Chinese practicing teachers' epistemic beliefs, pedagogical beliefs and their beliefs about the use of ICT. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 17(2), 245-256. [SSCI Journal]
- Lin, T., Li, J., Deng, F., & Lee, L. (2013). Understanding new media literacy: An explorative theoretical framework. Journal of Educational Technology & Society. 16(4), 160-170. [SSCI Journal]
- Lin, T.-J., Deng, F., Chai, C. S., & Tsai, C. C. (2013). High school students' scientific epistemological beliefs, motivation in learning science, and their relationships: A comparative study within the Chinese culture. International Journal of Educational Development, 33(1), 37-47. [SSCI Journal]
- Chai, C. S., Wong, L.-H., Sim, S. H., & Deng, F. (2012). Exploring the relationships between students' ability of computer-based Chinese input and other variables associated to their performances in composition writing. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(3), 153-161. [SSCI Journal]
- Chai, C. S., Deng, F., & Tsai, C. C. (2012). A comparison of scientific epistemological views between mainland China and Taiwan high school students. Asia Pacific Education Review, 13(1), 17-26. [SSCI Journal]
- Deng, F., Chen, D. T., Tsai, C. C., & Chai, C. S. (2011). Students' views of the nature of science: A critical review of research. Science Education, 95(6), 961-999. [SSCI Journal]
- Deng, F., Chen, W., Chai, C. S., & Qian, Y. Y. (2011). Constructivist-oriented data-logging activities in Chinese chemistry classroom: enhancing students' conceptual understanding and their metacognition. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 20(2), 207-221. [SSCI Journal]
- Chai, C. S., Deng, F., Qian, Y. Y., & Wong, B. (2010). South China education major's epistemological beliefs and their conceptions of nature of science. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 19(1), 111-125. [SSCI Journal]
- Deng, F., Toh, T. L., Dindyal, J., Leong, Y. H., & Tong, C. L. (2014, Jul). Teachers' belief systems about teaching non-routine mathematical problem solving: Structure and change. In S. Oesterle, C. Nicol, P. Liljedahl & D. Allan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME 38 and PME-NA 36 (Vol. 6, pp. 57). Vancouver, Canada: PME.
- Deng, F., Tay, E. G., Quek, K. S., Leong, Y. H., Toh, T. L., Toh, P. C., . . . Ho, F. H. (2013, Sept). Enhancing student beliefs about mathematical problem solving: An intervention study. Paper presented at the Joint SELF Biennial International Conference and Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) Conference, Singapore.
- Deng, F. (2013, 18-19, Nov). The influence of a problem solving curriculum on students' mathematics achievement: An explorative study. Paper presented at the 3rd Lee Peng Yee Symposium, National Institute of Education, Singapore.
- Lin, T. & Deng, F. (2012, Oct). A construction of media literacy in education reform policies: A comparative study on policy discourses in Singapore and Taiwan. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Education Research, Seoul, South Korea.
- Deng, F., Chai, C. S., & Chen, D. (2009, December). How Chinese high school students construct their meanings of nature of science: From the discursive resources perspective. Paper presented at Personal Epistemology and Learning (PEL) Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Pathak, S. A., Jacobson, M., Kim, B., Zhang, B. H., & Deng, F. (2008). Learning the physics of electricity with agent-based models: The paradox of productive failure. Paper presented at the International Conference on Computers in Education, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Zhang, B. H., Deng, F., Jacobson, M., & Kim, B. (2008). Exploring the representational affordance of two types of modeling tools. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Learning Sciences SIG Symposium.
邓峰, 钱扬义. 如何增强高中学生化学实验兴趣的研究综述[J].中学化学教学参考. 2005, 34(5):19-21 (中文核心期刊)
邓峰, 钱扬义. 记忆编码在高中化学教学中的应用举例[J].化学教学.2006(2):15-16 (中文核心期刊)
邓峰, 钱扬义. 物质结构与颜色关系浅析[J].中学化学.2006(3):15-16
邓峰, 钱扬义, 柴颂刚等. 高中化学新教材(必修)图像系统的教学功能初步研究[J].课程·教材·教法. 2006(3):78-81 (中文核心期刊) (CSSCI期刊)
5. 钱扬义,
邓峰, 刘秀苑等. 日常生活概念“平均”对科学概念“8电子稳定结构”学习的影响[J].化学教育.2006(4):29-31 (被中国人民大学报刊资料中心复印报刊资料《中学化学教与学》转载:2006年第9期:15-17)(中文核心期刊)
邓峰, 钱扬义, 陈烁. 氢键对羧酸化合物性质的影响浅析[J].中学化学.2006(6):17-18
邓峰, 钱扬义. 利用手持技术对学生学习溶解氧认知过程初探[J].化学教育.2006(6):37-39 (中文核心期刊)
邓峰,钱扬义,李程锦. 关于制备明矾晶体的几个问题的探讨[J].中学化学.2006(10):20-21(被中国人民大学报刊资料中心复印报刊资料《中学化学教与学》转载:2007年第3期:44)
邓峰,周长征,冯桂英. 浅析“溶解”[J].中学化学.2006(11):13-14
邓峰,钱扬义,钟映雪. 焰色反应实验载体选择的研究[J].中学化学.2006(12):19-20
11. 钱扬义,
邓峰. 数字化化学探究实验室的建设与学生探究能力的培养[J].中国电化教育.2006(11): 49-52 (中文核心期刊) (CSSCI期刊)
邓峰,钱扬义,钟伟华等. 从心理学的角度看高中化学新教材先行组织者的设计与应用[J]. 课程·教材·教法. 2006(11):66-70 (获华南师范大学研究生华藏奖学金) (中文核心期刊) (CSSCI期刊)
邓峰,钱扬义,李振明. 高中化学教材先行组织者的作用机制初探[J].中学化学教学参考. 2006(12):7-9 (中文核心期刊)
邓峰,张宝辉,钱扬义.英国GCE化学A水平考试的简介与评析 [J].化学教学. 2007(1):52-54 (中文核心期刊)
邓峰,钱扬义,刘秀苑,陈徽,张宝辉.新加坡GCE化学A水平考试:探析与启示 [J].中国考试(研究版). 2007(2):29-33
邓峰,钱扬义,林耿勉.手持技术在酸碱滴定中的应用研究 [J].教学仪器与实验.2007, 23(1):12-14
邓峰,钱扬义. 国外几种科学概念转变教学模式:简介与评析 [J].中学化学教学参考. 2007, 36(4):61-63 (中文核心期刊)
邓峰,钱扬义,钟映雪等.国内外课程评价方法和技术的嬗变与启示 [J].中国考试(研究版).2007 (5):30-37
邓峰,钱扬义. 国内化学教学模式的研究进展述评[J].中学化学教学参考. 2007, 36(11):11-14 (被中国人民大学报刊资料中心复印报刊资料《中学化学教与学》全文转载:2008年第1期: 01-04)(中文核心期刊)
邓峰,钱扬义,刘丽明,罗少娟. 基于手持技术的“6S”化学实验探究教学模式[J]. 中国电化教育.2007, 30(11): 75-79 (中文核心期刊) (CSSCI期刊)
邓峰,钱扬义,陈曼升. 利用手持技术进军化学探究[J].中小学信息技术教育. 2007 (12): 19-20 (CSSCI期刊)
邓峰,钱扬义,陈徽等. 化学教师对手持技术在教学中应用所持态度的调查研究[J].化学教育. 2008, 29(4): 50-52, 60 (中文核心期刊)
邓峰, 钱扬义,钟映雪等. 化学选修班学生对手持技术所持态度与认识的调查研究[J].化学教育. 2008, 29(6): 49-52 (中文核心期刊)
24. 张宝辉,
邓峰,李佳. 计算机模型建构与学习者为中心的科学学习的研究进展及启示. [J]. 课程·教材·教法. 2008, 28(8) (中文核心期刊) (CSSCI期刊)
邓峰, 钱扬义, 钟映雪等. 基于手持技术环境的化学课堂教学例析――冰醋酸电离过程实质的探究[J].化学教育. 2009, 30(1): 35-37, 65(被中国人民大学报刊资料中心复印报刊资料《中学化学教与学》全文转载:2009年第5期)(中文核心期刊)
邓峰, 钱扬义, 钟映雪等. 基于手持技术环境的化学研究性学习例析――影响氯化铁水解条件的探究[J].化学教育. 2009, 30(11): 24-27 (中文核心期刊)
邓峰, 新加坡GCE化学O-Level考试评介 [J].化学教育. 2009, 30(3): 13-15, 29 (中文核心期刊)
邓峰, 高中生科学模型认识观的结构与特点 [J].化学教育. 2011(10) (中文核心期刊)
29. 蔡敬新, 邓峰 (2015). “技术-教学-学科知识” (TPACK) 研究: 最新进展与趋向 [J].现代远程教育研究, 3: 9-18. (中文核心期刊) (CSSCI期刊)
1. 刘秀苑, 袁静如, 钱扬义,
邓峰等.中学生在科学探究中进行“假设与预测”能力的实践研究 [J].化学教学. 2006(3):22-25 (中文核心期刊)
2. 江世忠, 谭显华,
邓峰等. 利用手持技术探究CH
4的温室效应[J].化学教育.2006(12):40-41 (中文核心期刊)
3. 陈徽,李孟彬,钱扬义,邓峰.高一学生化学学业成败归因调查研究 [J].化学教育. 2007(4):40-43 (中文核心期刊)
4. 眭苏奇,钱扬义,
邓峰,陈徽. 论北京科学、广东教育版教材对初三化学难点内容的处理[J]. 化学教学.2007(6):28-31 (中文核心期刊)
5. 陈徽,钱扬义,
邓峰. 解读北京科学、广东教育版义务教育课程标准化学教科书中的化学实验探究 [J].化学教育. 2007(9):15-17 (中文核心期刊)
6. 刘秀苑,钱扬义,
邓峰,张宝辉. 美国AP化学考试述评与思考[J].中国考试. 2007(9): 43-48
7. 陈徽,钱扬义,李孟彬,
邓峰. SOLO分类评价理论在化学教学中的应用 [J].化学教育. 2008 (10): 25-27 (中文核心期刊)
8. 眭苏奇,钱扬义,
邓峰,刘彩燕. 利用手持技术推测绝对温度[J].物理教学探讨.2007(12):28-30
9. 刘彩燕,黄秀梅,钱扬义,
邓峰,刘海岚. 物质结构内容呈现方式对学生学习效果的影响—以高中化学新教材《物质结构与性质》中的"σ键、π键"为例. 化学教育. 2008(12): 16-19 (中文核心期刊)
10. 廖伟梁,
邓峰,钱扬义等. 初三学生知觉到的教师期望及其与化学学业成绩的关系. 化学教育. 2011(6) (中文核心期刊)
11. 李娟,钱扬义,彭豪,
邓峰. 国内外化学扑克牌游戏现状述评. 化学教育. 2012(9) (中文核心期刊)
12. 蔡敬新,陈诚志,
邓峰. 新加坡职前教师培训课程的设计与评价. 化学教育. 2011(8) (中文核心期刊)